Keynote Speaker

Dr. Samuel Huddleston GC Exec. Presbyter, Asst. Supt. Northern CA & NV Assemblies of God

Dr. Huddleston serves as an Executive Presbyter for the General Council of the Assemblies of God and assists in giving oversight to over 450 AG churches in Northern California and Nevada.

Coming from a troubled childhood and reckless teenage years, Samuel surrendered his life to Christ at 19, while serving time in California Penal Institution. Following his release, he attended Bible college, Seminary, earned his Masters Degree in Marriage, Family and Child Counseling, and in May 2006 Samuel received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Regent University.

Samuel directed Match Two Prisoner Outreach, was Dean of Students at Bethany University, and served as the founding and lead pastor of Lighthouse Covenant Fellowship in Benicia, California.

His autobiography, Five Years to Life, has inspired people across America and throughout the world. Samuel has shared his testimony with thousands, reminding them not only with words but also with his very presence, that God has the power to put broken lives and broken relationships back together again.

Samuel and his wife Linda reside in Rancho Cordova, CA, close to their thirteen grandchildren.

Joseph S. Girdler, DMin KMN Superintendent / Network Pastor

Joseph S. Girdler, D.Min., has served as KMN Superintendent since 2004. His previous long-term pastorate was recognized from thousands of AGUSA congregations for achieving Top 100 status in World Missions, while his wife, Dr. Renee V. Girdler, was honored as the first woman in AG history to serve on the AG World Missions Board.

Joe is the author of Setting the Atmosphere for the Day of Worship (I & II), Redemptive Missiology in Pneumatic Context, Keys to the Apostolic and Prophetic: Embracing the Authentic, Avoiding the Bizarre co-authored with Dr. Carolyn Tennant, and Revival, Racism & Rapture: A Fireside Reflection on Culture and Times.

Event Schedule

Sunday, May 4

  • 6:00 - 7:00 pm Registration in church lobby
  • 7:00 - 9:30 pm KMN Welcome Gathering with AGWM

Monday, May 5

  • 9:00 am Creation Museum Family Outing (Pre-Registration required)
  • 12:00 2:00 pm Registration in church lobby
  • 2:00 4:00 pm Business Session 1
  • 7:00 9:30 pm Evening Service

 Tuesday, May 6

  • 9:00 11:30 am Business Session 2
  • 4:00 pm Ordination Orientation
  • 7:00 pm Ordination Service
  • 9:30 pm Ordination Reception

Creation Museum Family Outing

  • Monday 9 AM, Pre-Registration Required

    Monday 9 AM, Pre-Registration Required

    FREE Admission for all NetCon25 Registrants ($56.99 value)
    KMN Guests only pay for parking ($15 per vehicle) or ride in the Christ's Chapel shuttle for free
    Outing sponsored by KMN Church Planting & Revitalization
    PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED by April 1. Click "Attend This Session" button to register.

Childcare for Evening Services

We will provide meaningful, engaging and fun ministry for your children at NetCon25. Business Sessions will have Nursery for ages 0-3 years and Evening Services for ages 0-12 years. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.

  • Nursery only: Ages 0-3 yrs

  • Ages 0-12 years

  • Nursery only: Ages 0-3 yrs

  • Ages 0-12 years

Interpretation for Evening Services

Deaf Interpretation and language translation is available during evening services. Traducción será provista (noches). Traduction disponible (le soir). Pre-registration is required.

NetCon25 Participant Registration

Registration is FREE! We're pleased to waive the previous fee of $40 as a blessing to our KMN family.  

For exhibitor registration and information, please email Jenna Lewis: [email protected]

RegFox Event Registration Software